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Smartphones are going to overtake desktops come 2014 says a report and this is already evident. Over the past few years, mobile phones/gadgets have revolutionized how we access the internet. As a Website Developer or Owner, it essential you create a mobile friendly version of your website, the benefits are much and not limited to faster load speed on mobile, improved user experience, reducing your readers data bill and lots more.

When optimizing your site to be mobile-friendly, we have two main choices which include:
  1. Use a mobile plugin to deliver a mobile theme or template to mobile devices.
  2. Make Use of a responsive theme or making your existing site theme responsive.
In this write up am going to share with you Top 4 plugins To Create A Mobile Version Of Your WordPress Website in no time and it’s free, since we are using a plugin you don’t have to be programmer or expert to install and make this work, I have been opportuned to work with most of these plugins and I guess am using one of them (WPtouch) on this site presently.
Let’s roll 🙂
wp touchwp touchWith WPtouch you can create an attractive mobile experience for your website with amazing templates designed for modern phones and tablet devices. WPtouch offers up an enormous number of customization, settings coupled with a  great look, with few clicks and no programming knowledge, you can create a mobile version of your website. Based on ratings and reviews, we can conclude that WPtouch is the best mobile plugin out there although i personally have something (minor tho) against it. WPtouch also offer a Pro version which has enhanced features but i bet the free version is cool for you. You can download the free WPtouch here.
carrignton 3
Just another WordPress plugin, WordPress Mobile Edition is a plugin by Crowd favourite that allows you to optimize your wordpress site for mobile devices by using Carrington Mobile theme, it creates a clean and mobile friendly version of your WordPress powered site, without any additional changes required. Loved for its simplicity and compatibility with touch enabled devices. You can check my detailed tutorial  on installing and customizing one for your site here. Download WordPress Mobile Edition here
MobilePress is a plugin for WordPress that creates a mobile friendly version of your WordPress website or blog.  MobilePress was the first plugin i knew back then, it was once my favourite and still one of them, i  love this plugin cos it allows you to take total control, modify and create custom themes for your website. I used it for most mobile templates i have created for my clients, all you need to create a custom theme is a basic html+css knowledge and that is all. I can also share some of my customized theme, just show interest via comment. Download MobilePress here.

The WordPress Mobile Pack 2
The WordPress Mobile Pack is a complete toolkit (themes+plugin) to help mobilize your WordPress site and blog with great ease. One of its useful option is the Mobile theme chooser. This gives you the option to select the base theme for your site, you can select from the themes that are available with the plugin. Alternatively, if you have a theme you have created specially for mobile site, you can select that instead which means the plugin can also be used as a mobile switcher (switching between your desktop and mobile templates). Other features include mobile analytic, mobile ads widget, color variation, mobile admin panel and others. You can download WordPress Mobile Pack here
Which of these plugins have you worked with or used? kindly share your experience via comment.
“The end of mobile plugin customization is where responsive design begins”. 

Your comments will be appreciated and replied on time. Spams will be deleted upon review.
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